Summary 2020
A difficult year for many of us. There weren't many dog shows, including a World and European Dog Show. Despite everything, we managed to participate in several shows. Due to limitations, we focused only on Rózia and Sampo - dogs from our second litter. Cornadore ADA (Ada) and Cornadore ALLYN (Bushel) showed up exclusively at the British Crufts show, where they took first and second place in working class. Generally, Crufts was very successful for us this year - both Cornadore BURICA (Rózia) and Cornadore BELO (Sampo) took first places in their classes (junior), receiving very nice reports from the British judge.
Our juniors - BURICA and BELO - from the beginning of this year could enter adult classes, so we took the opportunity to start championships - Polish, German, Austrian, Czech and Slovakian as well as interchampionship. Due to the regulations on obtaining the Polish Championship, we managed to get the title this year.
Cornadore BELO (Sampo) participated in 14 shows, 7 times won the best of breed, 2 times qualified for Crufts 2021, and Cornadore BURICA (Rózia) participated in 16 shows, winning 3 times best of breed, 7 times BOS and also qualified for Crufts 2021. Both dogs won the following titles:
Austrian Winner
Winner of the Lands Berlin / Brandenburg / Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D)
Winner of the Speciality Show for Setter and Pointer in Trnava (SK)
Winner of the Speciality Show for Setter and Pointer in Treuenbrietzen (D)
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16 November 2020 - Confirmation of Polish Champion titles for Cornadore BELO and Cornadore BURICA
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4 October 2020 - National Dog Show Zabrze (PL)
judge: Jan Ryk (PL)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1/2, CAC, best male, BOB
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3 October 2020 - NNational Dog Show Zabrze (PL)
judge: Jaroslav Matyáš (SK)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1/2
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27 September 2020 - International Dog Show Bundessieger Tulln (A)
judge: Sigrid Jarmer (A)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1/3, CACA, CACIB, Austrian Winner, BOB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1/3, CACA, CACIB, Austrian Winner, BOS
photo: Martina Farkas/ Österreichischer Klub für Englische Vorstehhunde
Special thanks to Petra Brune for help in handling.
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26 September 2020 - International Dog Show Tulln (A)
judge: Stefan Sinko (SLO)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1/3, CACA, res. CACIB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1/4, CACA, res. CACIB
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20 September 2020 - Nitra Airport Cup, Crufts qualification, Nitra (SK)
judge: Iveta Vojtekova (SK)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, qualified for Crufts 2021, BOB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, qualified for Crufts 2021, BOS
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5 September 2020 - Setter/Pointer Specialty Dog Show Treuenbrietzen (D)
judge: Claudia Pelka (D)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, VDH, CAC, best male, national winner, BOB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, VDH, CAC, best female, national winner, BOS
photo: Mariola Sklorz
Special thanks to Patrycja Sklorz for the help in the ring!
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30 August 2020 - Hunting-dogs National Show Łódź, Kleszczów (PL)
judge: Agnieszka Skórzewska (PL)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, best male, BOB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, best female, BOS
Thank you very much Patrycja Sklorz for your help in the ring.
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16 August 2020 - Club Show MSKAO, Slavkov u Brna (CZ)
judge: Linda Voláriková (SK)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 2, res. CAC
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC
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8 August 2020 - Specialty Dog Show, Trnava (SK)
judge: Marián Konečný (SK)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, Winner, BOS
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
exellent 1, CAC, Winner, BOB
photo: Mariola Sklorz
Special thanks to Patrycja Sklorz for the help in the ring!
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Corranroo CAROLINE - Top Winning IRWS in Poland in 2019
Cornadore BELO - Top Winning IRWS male in Poland in 2019
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6 March 2020 - Crufts Birmingham (UK)
judge: Lynn Goddard (UK)
Cornadore ALLYN
special working gundog class
Cornadore BELO
junior class
Cornadore BURICA
junior class
Cornadore ADA
special working gundog class
Cornadore ARRO
open class
owner: Nataliya Mikhaylova (RUS)
handler: Natalia Trots (RUS)
open class
owner: Lynda Ward (UK)
handler: Alan Bamford (UK)
junior class
owner: Lynda Ward (UK)
handler: Alan Bamford (UK)
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29 February 2020 - International Dog Show Graz (A)
judge: Ann Ingram (IRL)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
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8 February 2020 - International Dog Show Katowice (PL)
judge: Myriam Vermeire (BE)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Thank you Patrycja Sklorz for your help in the ring!
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2 February 2020 - International Dog Show DUOCACIB Brno (CZ)
judge: Jozef Jursa (SK)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
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1 February 2020 - International Dog Show DUOCACIB Brno (CZ)
judge: Perttu Ståhlberg (FIN)
Cornadore BELO
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, qualified for Crufts 2021, BOS
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1
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26 January 2020 - International Dog Show - Nitra Winner Show (SK)
judge: Marián Konečný (SK)
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
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25 January 2020 - International Dog Show - Winter Show Nitra (SK)
judge: Peter Berchtold (A)
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
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24 January 2020 - International Dog Show Nitradog Cup, Nitra (SK)
judge: Linda Voláriková (SK)
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
very good 1
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19 January 2020 - Manchester Dog Show Society, Stafford (UK)
judge: Frank Kane (UK)
open class 3/6
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18 January 2020 - International Dog Show Lubin (PL)
judge: Dorota Witkowska (PL)
Cornadore BURICA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
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10 January 2020 - Boston & District Canine Society, Petersborough (UK)
judge: Martyn J. Rees (UK)
open class 3/6
junior class 1/1
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