Summary 2014
This has been a good year. Tesla (Redmore BRIGHT DIAMOND) participated in 14 dogshows,
including 6 international, 5 winner shows, 3 national shows, 2 clubshows, Crufts, European and World Dog Show.
Her greatest success was res. CACIB gained at World Dog Show in Helsinki.
Tesla acquired:
4 x BOB
This year Tesla has acquired the following titles:
Poland Winner Poznań 2014
German Winner Leipzig 2014
Candela (Corranroo CAROLINE) participated in 22 dogshows, including 12 international,
6 winner shows, 5 national, 2 club shows, Crufts, European and World Dog Show.
Her greatest success was res. CACIB gained at Euro Dog Show in Brno.
Candela acquired:
16 x CWC/CAC
11 x BOB
1 x BOG II
This year Candela has acquired the following titles:
VDH Europe Winner 2014
Klub Winner 2014
BOS Setter Derby Salzburg 2014
Austrian Winner Tulln 2014
Slovak Beauty Champion
German (VDH) Champion
Austrian Champion
Interchampion C.I.E.
Lumen (BENE VOBIS Adsum) has reached another 7 summits of 28 Polish Crown Peaks.
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09-11 November 2014 - Climbing next two Polish summits!
Lumen almost reached Wysoka in Pieniny Mountains (1050 m) on Sunday, and Mogielica in Island Beskids (1171 m) on Tuesday.
Unfortunately he was not allowed to reach the top of both mountains because of the nature reserves.
Anyway we have reached another two nereby mountains - Durbaszka nad Wysoki Wierch.
Lumen the Conqueror.
At the summit of Mogielica.
On Durbaszka.
Sunset on Wysoki Wierch.
Three Crowns (most famous Polish summit of Pieniny Mountains) seen from Limierz Pass.
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26 October 2014 European Dog Show Brno (CZ)
Judge: Josef Jursa (SK)
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
excellent 2/2, res. CAC
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
excellent 1/2, CAC, res. CACIB (2/3)
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19 October 2014 International Dog Show Poznań - Poland Winner
Judge: Andrzej Brabletz
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
excellent 1/1, CWC, CACIB (1/2), Poland Winner, Crufts 2015 qualification, BOB
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
excellent 1/1, CWC, res. CACIB (2/2)
Thank you Ola for presenting Candy!
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18 October 2014 International Dog Show Dortmund - Bundessieger (D)
Judge: Dr. Wilfried Peper (D)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 2/3, res VDH
Redmore Bright Diamond
open class
excellent 1/2, VDH, res. CACA, res. CACIB
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12 October 2014 National Dog Show Zabrze (PL)
Judge: Jadwiga Konkiel
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
excellent 1/2, CWC, Winner, BOB
Thank you Martyna Nowak for help during Candy's presentation.
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
exellent 1, CWC
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05 October 2014 - National Dog Show Rybnik (PL)
Judge: Aleksandra Zukal (PL)
champion clas
excellent 1
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4 October 2014 - National Hunting Dog Show Rybnik (PL)
Judge: Tadeusz Chwalny (PL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CWC, Winner, BOB, BOG III
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27 September 2014 - International Dog Show Tulln (A)
Judge: Alenka Pokorn (SLO)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, Austrian Winner, qualified for Crufts 2015, BOS, BOB
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
excellent 2, res. CACA, res. CACIB
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21 September 2014 - National Dog Show Bytom (PL)
Judge: Bogusława Szydłowicz-Polańczyk (PL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CWC, Winner, BOS, BOB
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13 September 2014 - National Dog Show Chorzów (PL)
Judge: Wojciech Burski (PL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CWC, Winner, BOS, BOB
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6 September 2014 - Another Polish Summit conquered!
On Saturday we reached another Polish Crown Summit: Skrzyczne (Silesian Beskids). So far Lumen has achieved 16 summits!
On the hill of Rachowiec
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24 August 2014 - International Dog Show Leipzig (D)
Judge: Hans Wiblishauser (D)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
Excellent 1, VDH, res. CAC, res. CACIB
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23 August 2014 - German Winner Show Leipzig (D)
Judge: Lisbeth Mach (CH)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
Excellent 1, VDH, res. CAC, res. CACIB
Redmore Bright Diamond
open class
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, German Winner, BOB
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10 August 2014 - World Dog Show Helsinki (FIN)
Judge: Kathy Gorman (UK)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
Excellent 1
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
Excellent 2, res. CAC, res. CACIB
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14 June 2014 - Confirmation of German Champion title for Candela
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31.05/01.06.2014 - Another three Polish Summits conquered!
On Saturday and Sunday we reached another three out of 28 Polish Summits: Wysoka Kopa (Izera Mountains), Orlica (Orlickie Mountains) and Jagodna (Bystrzyckie Mountains).
So far Lumen has achieved 15 summits!
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25 May 2014 - National Dog Show Świebodzice (PL)
Judge: Laura Cox (IRL)
champion class
excellent 1, CWC, Winner, BOB, BOG III

In the meantime all our dogs had the opportunity to conquer Waligóra (936 meters high), the highest peak of Kamienne Mountains.
This is the 12th summit in Lumen's collection.
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19 May 2014 - National Dog Show Bytom (PL)
Judge: Dorota Witkowska (PL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
Excellent 1, CWC, Winner, BOB
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16 May 2014 - Confirmation of Austrian Champion title for Candela
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10 May 2014 - VDH European Winner Show Dortmund (D)
Judge: Dr. Wilfried Peper (D)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
Excellent 1
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9 May 2014 - VDH European Winner Show Dortmund (D)
Judge: Tadeusz Chwalny (PL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
Excellent 1, VDH, CACIB, Crufts 2015 qualification, VDH European Winner
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
Excellent 1, VDH, res. CACIB
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3 May 2014 - Pointing Dogs Club Show Rzeszów
Judge: John Thirlwell (UK)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
excellent 1, CWC, Club Winner, BOB, BIS III
Thank you Alexandra for an excellent presentation of Candy!
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
excellent 1, CWC
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6 April 2014 - Setter Derby Salzburg (A)
Judge: Colin Mackay (UK)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
excellent 1, CACA, Best Bitch, BOS
Redmore Bright Diamond
champion class
very good 2
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5 April 2014 - International Dog Show Salzburg (A)
Judge: Lisbeth Mach (CH)
BOG judge: Gabriela Ridarcikova (SK) - Thank you very much for your distinction!
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class
excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, BOG II
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25 March 2014 - Confirmation of CIE title for Candy
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21 March 2014 - International Dog Show Katowice (PL)
Judge: Jose Juan Vidal Montero (E)
Corranroo Caroline
champion class
excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BOB
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10 March 2014 - Crufts Dog Show Birmingham (UK)
Judge: Val Wade (UK)
Both girls in open class
Corranroo CAROLINE beautifully handled by Chimene Carrick
Redmore Bright Diamond - waiting for our turn
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15 February 2014 - International Dog Show Rzeszów (PL)
Judge: Penny Williams (UK)
Redmore Bright Diamond
Champion class
excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BOB
Corranroo CAROLINE
Open class
Excellent 1, CWC, res. CACIB
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25 January 2014 - International Dog Show Głogów (PL)
Judge: Brian Grace (IRL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
Champion class
excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BOB
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18 January 2014 - International Dog Show Trencin (SK)
Judge: Miroslav Václavík (CZ)
Corranroo CAROLINE
Open class
excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, shortlisted to the final 5 during BOG
Candela is Slovak Beauty Champion
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