Summary 2016
It was a year of new challanges. Our youngsters grow up. Keeping two littermates together means double work, not only concerning socialization and training but also preparing for shows and what is more difficult,
working trials. Our “babies” turned out to be wonderful working dogs, gaining I degree diplomas during working trials and Bushel won the whole contest receiving 100 out of 100 points.
Also dog shows appeared to be successful for them, winning many junior titles and beginning adult championships – Polish, Austrian, German, Slovakian and international CIE.
These are great results taking into consideration the fact they have not finished 18 months of age yet and the entries were up to 15! Below please find the titles won by our dogs this year:
Corranroo CAROLINE:
VDH Europa Winner (third time in her career!)
Middle East European Winner
Pointing Dogs Club Winner (third time in her career!)
Bundessieger Dortmund
German Winner Leizpig (second time in her career!)
Setter Derby IRWS Winner (Austria)
Poland Winner (second time in her career!)
This is a huge success as Candy has participated in 12 shows only! 9 of them were held outside Poland, 7 were international, 6 winner type, 3 club ones (Poland, Austria and UK),
one European and of course Crufts. On four shows she was BOB, three BOS and five CACIB.
Cornadore ADA:
Polish Junior Champion
Middle East European Junior Winner
Pointing Dogs Club Junior Winner
Austrian Junior Winner
VDH Junior Spring Winner
Setter Derby IRWS Junior Winner (Austria)
Karlsruhe Winner
Ada has taken part in 25 shows begining in puppy classes and ending in intermediate. She has begun adult championships – Polish, Austrian, German, Slovakian and international CIE.
Cornadore ALLYN:
Polish Junior Champion
Polish Junior Winner
Middle East European Junior Winner
Pointing Dogs Club Junior Winner
Austrian Junior Winner
Bushel is a real showdog and the real success (we believe) is still ahead of him. His appearance says “look at me” and he really attracts the attention of everyone –
just to mention his first BOG placings (one of the on the most prestigious Polish show in Poznań).
He has also begun adult championships – Polish, Austrian, German, Slovakian and international CIE.
Other puppies of our first litter are also very successful in their new homes.
Cornadore ARRO (Argo) is the European Junior Winner and won 2nd place on BOG Junior becoming the second best junior pointing dog in Europe! Moreover, he has become a Champion of breed 2016 in Russia!
Cornadore AVON TO ANNAGH (Avie) has passed Field Dog Junior test in Canada gaining 98 out of 100 points. Unfortunately because of the injury she could not take part in many shows. Nevertheless she was the Winners Bitch, res. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners!
Cornadore ARGYLE WITH COPPERWHITE (Freddie Blue) is doing very well on British dog shows, where he was the best puppy in breed twice, and res. best dog three times – what happens very rarely in such a young age on British rings.
Cornadore AVOCA (Lilou) has become the Junior Polish Champion and BOG III.
This year Tesla (Redmore BRIGHT DIAMOND) has chosen to take a rest of shows – giving other dogs the possibilities to win their prizes instead. Next year she will join the veterans beginning new chapter in her showing career. In spite of the pause she still remains our most titled dog and the most titled IRWS in Poland.
Our old boy Lumen (BENE VOBIS Adsum) finished his 12 year of age but he is still in very good condition and we believe we will spend together many happy years.
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24 December 2016 – Championship "Golden collar" Moscow (RUS)
judge: Andriej Kisljakov (BLR)
Cornadore ARRO (Argo)
junior class: CW, Best Junior, BOB, Champion of breed 2016
Wonderful achievement, Nataliya and Rostik!
Argo with his handler, Natalia Trots
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11 December 2016 – Ladies Kennel Association (UK)
judge: Jeff Horswell (UK)
Cornadore ARGYLE WITH COPPERWHITE (Freddie Blue)
post-graduate class: 2/5
Excellent result, Lynda & Alan, congratulation!
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11 December 2016 – International Dog Show Doppel CACIB Wels (A)
judge: Lisbeth Mach (CH)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: exellent 1, CACA, res. CACIB
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: exellent 1, CACA, res. CACIB
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10 December 2016 – International Dog Show Doppel CACIB Wels (A)
judge: Maria Hutsteiner (A)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: exellent 2, res. CACA
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: exellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOS
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4 December 2016 – International Dog Show Duo CACIB Nitra (SK)
judge: Zsuzsanna Balogh (HU)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
photo by Agnieszka Skórzewska
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 1, CAC
photo by Agnieszka Skórzewska
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3 December 2016 – International Dog Show Duo CACIB Nitra (SK)
judge: Zaza Omarov (GE)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
photo by Agnieszka Skórzewska
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
photo by Agnieszka Skórzewska
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3 December 2016 – Brantford and District Kennel and Obedience Club Inc. (CAN)
Judge: Guy Jeavons (CAN)
Cornadore AVON TO ANNAGH (Avie)
Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, 3 points (major)
photo by Chantal Villeneuve
Huge congratulations Mary!
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2 December 2016 – National Dog Show Świebodzice (PL)
judge: Andrzej Stępiński (PL)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1, CAC, best male, BOB
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13 November 2016 – National Dog Show Karlsruhe Winner (D)
judge: Jeanine Bandel (D)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1/3, VDH, res. CAC
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 1/2, VDH, CAC, Karlsruhe Winner, BOS
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12 November 2016 – International Dog Show Karlsruhe (D)
judge: Christiane Lohmann (D)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: very good 1/1
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 1/1, VDH
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6 November 2016 – International Dog Show DUOCACIB Bratislava (SK)
judge: Pavel Navratil (CZ)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1/1
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 1/2
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5 November 2016 – International Dog Show DUOCACIB Bratislava (SK)
judge: Arne Foss (N)
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1/1, CAC, CACIB 1/3, BOS
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 2/2, res. CAC
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5 November 2016 – The Setter and Pointer Club of GB (UK)
judge: Suzanne Humphries
yearling class: 1/2
Congratulations Lynda & Alan!
photo by Claire Prangle
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30 October 2016 – International Dog Show Poznań (PL)
breed judge: Adam Stasiak
BOG judge: Tadeusz Chwalny
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class: excellent 1/2, CWC, CACIB, Poland Winner, BOS
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class: excellent 1/1, Poland Junior Winner, best junior, BOB, BOG IV
Cornadore ADA
junior class: excellent 1/2
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29 October 2016 – International Dog Show Poznań (PL)
breed judge: Marlena Jakubowska
BOG jugde: Adam Stasiak
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class: excellent 1/1, CWC, CACIB, qualified for Crufts 2017, BOB, selected to the final 6 during BOG
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class: excellent 1/1, CWC, CACIB, qualified for Crufts 2017, BOS
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16 October 2016 – International Dog Show Bundessieger Dortmund (D)
judge: Dr. Ümit Özkanal (TR)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class: excellent 1/2, VDH, CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger, BOB
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class: excellent 3/3
Cornadore ADA
junior class: excellent 2/2
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09 October 2016 – National Dog Show Gliwice (Zabrze) (PL)
breed judge: Maria Zasada (PL)
BOG judge: Tadeusz Chwalny
Our "babies" first time in adult classes won first tickets to Polish Show Champion title:
Cornadore ALLYN
intermediate class
excellent 1, CWC, best male, BOB, BOG!!!
Cornadore ADA
intermediate class
excellent 1, CWC, best female, BOS
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02 October 2016 – International Dog Show Bundessieger Tulln (A)
judge: Elisabeth Pimper (A)
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 1, Austrian Junior Winner
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, Austrian Junior Winner
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CACA, res. CACIB
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01 October 2016 – International Dog Show – Middle East European Winner - Tulln (A)
judge: Branko Sare (HR)
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 1, Middle East European Junior Winner, qualified for Crufts 2017
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, Middle East European Junior Winner, qualified for Crufts 2017
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Middle East European Winner, qualified for Crufts 2017
Thank you Mariola & Patrycja Sklorz for wonderful handling during BOB competition!
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17/18/24 September 2016 – FDJ - Field Dog Junior (Canada)
score: 98/100
Congratulations Mary!
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18 September 2016 – Darlington Dog Show Society (UK)
class: postgraduate 1
res. best dog
Congratulations Lynda & Alan!
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03 September 2016 – Working Test for Junior Pointing Dogs - Czechowice-Dziedzice
Cornadore AVOCA
1st degree diploma
score: 92/100
Congratulations Kasia!
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26 August 2016 – European Dog Show Brussels (BEL)
judge: Ludovica Salamon (IT)
judge BOG Junior: Singrid Jarmer (A)
Cornadore ARRO
junior class
excellent 1, JCAC, Junior European Winner, best junior, BOG Junior II
Congratulations to Nataliya and Rostik! Many thanks to handler Natalia Trots!
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 2
Cornadore ADA
junior class
very good 2
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 3
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21 August 2016 – German Winner Show Leipzig (D)
judge: Peter Beyersdorf (D)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, VDH, CAC, CACIB, BOS
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20 August 2016 - Working Test for Junior Pointing Dogs, Wadowice, ZO PZŁ Bielsko-Biała
Judges: Marzena Błońska, Piotr Błoński, Krzysztof Kunicki
Cornadore ALLYN
1st degree diploma
score: 100/100
place: 1/20
Cornadore ADA
1st degree diploma
score: 90/100
place: 12/20
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06 August 2016 – Paignton District Fanciers Association (UK)
Judge: Janet Richards (UK)
junior class 1
res. best dog
Congratulations Lynda i Alan!
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01 July 2016 – Windsor Championship Dog Show (UK)
judge: Julien Barney (UK)
puppy class
Well done Lynda und Alan!
photo by Ray & Debbie McDonald, ⓒ Roanjora Photograhpy 2016
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25 June 2016 – World Dog Show Moscow (RUS)
judge: Johan Juslin (FIN)
Cornadore ARRO
Junior class
excellent 2, res. JCAC
Congratulations Nataliya and Rostik!
photo by Natalia Deingel, handling Anna Agevnina
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12 June 2016 – IRWS Club of GB Championship Show Stoneleigh (UK)
judge: Rodney Baron (UK)
Corranroo CAROLINE
open class - 10 entries
Cornadore ALLYN
puppy class - second, junior class - second
qualified for Crufts 2017
Cornadore ADA
puppy class - first, junior class - second
qualified for Crufts 2017
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4 June 2016 – Pointing Dogs Club Show Opole (PL)
judge: Grzegorz Weron (PL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CWC, Club Winner, BOB
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 1, Junior Club Winner, BOS
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, Junior Club Winner, best junior
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28 May 2016 – Bath Canine Society (UK)
judge: Brian Limpus (UK)
puppy & junior class
10mth, lovely outline with straight front neat feet, clean in neck, well boned, plenty of depth,
liked his rear quarters, pleasing in head with good eye, correct bite, pigmentation needs to come as he matures,
when settled moved well on a loose lead
Congratulations Lynda and Alan!
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22 May 2016 – Setter Derby - Austria (A)
Judge: Frank Kane (UK)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, CACA, best female, BOB
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, best male, BOS
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, best junior
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08 May 2016 – International Dog Show Spring Winner - Frühjahrssieger Dortmund (D)
judge: Anna Tiets (RUS)
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 3
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, Spring Junior Winner
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07 May 2016 – International Dog Show VDH-Europasieger Dortmund (D)
judge: Martin Falsey (IRL)
Corranroo CAROLINE
champion class
excellent 1, VDH, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Crufts 2017 qualification, VDH European Winner 2016 – third year in a row this title belongs to our Candy!
judge: Christiane Lohmann (D)
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
very good 3
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 3
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07 May 2016 – Hunting Dog Show Jeleśnia (PL)
judge: Krzysztof Kunicki (PL)
Cornadore AVOCA
Junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, best junior, BOB, BOG III
Congratulations Kasia!
photo by Janusz Kania
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01 May 2016 – XXXIII National Dog Show Rybnik (PL)
judge: Tadeusz Chwalny (PL)
Cornadore AVOCA
Junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, best junior, BOB
Congratulations Kasia!
photo by Janusz Kania
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24 April 2016 – Jubilee International Dog Show Opole (PL)
judge: Tatjana Urek (SLO)
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, best junior, BOB
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, BOS
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10 April 2016 - XXXVII National Dog Show Zabrze (PL)
judge: Agnieszka Skórzewska (PL)
Cornadore ALLYN
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, BOS
Cornadore ADA
junior class
excellent 1, junior winner, best junior, BOB
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20 March 2016 - VIII National Dog Show Katowice
judge: Grzegorz Weron (PL)
Cornadore ALLYN
puppy class
very promising 1
photo by Jacek Adamczyk
Cornadore ADA
puppy class
very promising 1, best puppy
photo by Jacek Adamczyk
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19 March 2016 - VII National Dog Show Katowice
judge: Dorota Witkowska (PL)
Cornadore ALLYN
puppy class
very promising 1, best puppy
photo by Piotr Pieczara
Cornadore ADA
klasa szczeniąt
very promising 1
photo by Piotr Pieczara
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12 March 2016 - Setter Show Moscow (RUS)
judge: Diane Stewart-Ritchie (UK)
Cornadore ARRO
puppy class
very promising 1, best puppy, BIS PUPPY!!!
We are very proud of Argo & Rostik! Congratulations!
photo by Kate Masheenistoff
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11 March 2016 - Crufts - Birmingham (UK)
judge: Valerie Foss (UK)
Corranroo Caroline
open class
VHC - very highly commended
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20 February 2016 - Annual All Breed Championship Dog Shows - Woodstock and District Canine Association (CAN)
Judge: Dr Michael Woods (CAN)
Puppy class
Best puppy, res. winners bitch
Huge congratulations, Mary!
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31 January 2016 - National Dog Show ExpoSilesia Będzin (PL)
Judge: Adam Stasiak (PL)
Cornadore ALLYN
Puppy class
very promising 1, best puppy
Cornadore ADA
Puppy class
very promising 1
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30 January 2016 - NDS for L.Sabaneev memory 2016 Moscow (RUS)
Judge: Sjoerd Jobse (S)
Cornadore ARRO
Puppy class
very promising 1, Best Puppy
Congratulations Nataliya & Rostik!
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